Sunday, August 31, 2008

September milestones

September birthdays

Sept. 2: Valerie Meegan
Sept. 10: LeRaine Jenkins
Sept. 14: Barbara O'Donnell
Sept. 15: Sophie Belle Meegan
Sept. 25: Nancy Hout

cruising the night away

I took Mom on what was supposed to be a fireworks cruise Thursday. It was a fund raiser by the Circle K group that I am involved with. Well, the fireworks were cancelled because the wind was blowing in from the ocean and last year a little boy was killed when an canister from a fireworks show drifted onto the beach. New rule, they don't have fireworks under those conditions. It was the second time the fireworks were cancelled on us. So this time, instead of a fireworks cruise, we spent two hour (just like the Minnow of Gilligan's Island fame) off the coast going as far north as Asbury Park and as far south as Lavallette.