Sunday, December 28, 2008

Parker's photo

From Bobbi Jo (Donna's oldest daughter): i wanted everyone to know parker and i are doing well. parker is now 5. he has decided to join karate. he is 3/4 of the way to earn his gold belt.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

2008 Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody.

Anne & Jerry, Kathy & John, Mom and I did the traditional Christmas eve family thing in Jackson. I got to cook the ham, tortellini, ham/potato & corn chowder, an oatmeal-honey loaf of bread, and a salmon for dinner. Anne prepared the vegetables and Kathy brought along dessert. The spirits were flowing.

Afterwards we had the gift exchange. Mom got a lot of clothes.

For the two nights before the gathering I made crozchiki and took one batch into work Tuesday morning. The other batch got divided in two. We ate one batch Christmas Eve and packaged the second one for Cincinnati. Hey John, make sure Kathy delivers it to you.

Nancy's girls visited her in Florida. And John, Heidi and his girls were home in Ohio.

People were getting a bit freaky with the nice, mild weather we had last night and today. I remember a few Christmases like that, so it's nothing unusual.

I was able to ride the motorcycle this afternoon. It was a wee bit chilly (around 40 degrees) but it still made for a nice ride. You just have to bundle up a bit, that's all.

We have photos from last night on Flickr. They can be viewed at

Have a great New Year's Day!

Monday, December 1, 2008

December milestones

8: Marcella Meegan
10: Brad Leddick
12: Jerry Gilbert
21: Jimmy Meegan
23: Carole Walsh
24: Donna Meegan
26: Theresa Yackel
29: Christopher O'Donnell
30: Lucy Meegan
30: Ann Michaels

4: M & Peter Benando
24: Janina & Donald Bradshaw
30: Ann & Jody Michaels

21: Uncle Pete died

John's visit

John came out from Cincinnati to visit Mom and what did she do? She put him to work!

Actually, John volunteered to buy and put into place plastic shields over the gutter and thus keep the leaves out.

It was a great visit.

Happy Thanksgiving

It seems like we've all done something special this Thanksgiving.

Nancy's daughters came home for dinner.

Anne & Jerry made the trip out to Jackie's

Kathy, Rammer & John came out to Mom's for the day after Thanksgiving. And I got to cook the dinner: potato-corn-ham chowder; turkey & stuffing; stuffed pork chops; steak pinwheels; macaroni & cheese; mashed potatoes; fried corn & apples; green beans with onions. And Kathy & John provided dessert pies!

Among these photos are cupcakes I made.