Saturday, January 24, 2009

February milestones


2: Larry Meegan (me!)
7: Steven Thoms
13: Dave Hout (Nancy's husband)
14: Jackie Davenport (Anne's mother-in-law)
14: Tonya Watts (Alfreda May's daughter)
15: Maria Meegan (Jimmy's daughter)
20: Vera Williams (Richard Williams wife)
21: Elyse Jenkiins (Nancy's daughter)


1: Gerry & Eric Yackel
2: Susan & Steven Thoms
8: Jennifer & Erick Hartje
Shalene & Donald Hall

Mom's doing better

Sorry it took me a week or so to get this post up but I have been busy.

Mom had her second angioplasty last week and came through it with flying colors. And she did better this time than the last. She's also doing much better than before the procedure.

John & Heidi sent flowers and Anne & Jerry brought some tulips over. Here are the photos of the flowers.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

January milestones

(date unknown) Great grandmother Cassie McArdle would have been 146
2- George Leddick
3- Sean Meegan
12- Uncle Joe Meegan would have been 90
14- Conner O'Donnell
14- Peter Bendando
20- Aunt Carol Meegan would have been 71
24- Alex Cuper
31- Russ Williams

11- Grandma & Grandpa Meegan, 1914
23- Anne & Jerry, 1993